Capital is at risk. The value and income from investments can go down as well as up and are not guaranteed. An investor may get back significantly less than they invest. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future performance and should not be the sole factor considered when selecting funds.
By selecting intermediary or institutional investor I confirm that I am a financial professional and understand that the information should not be distributed to or relied upon by any other persons. It’s provided for general information purposes only and is not personal advice to anyone to invest in any fund or product. Information taken from trade and other sources is believed to be reliable, although we don’t represent this as accurate or complete and it shouldn’t be relied upon as such.
Nick Bridge
Head of Group Service
Over 20 years' experience
Bringing over 20 years’ experience in financial services and other sectors, Nick leads the teams responsible for meeting the Select Platform’s client charter commitments. Having worked in client services roles for many years, Nick understands the challenges advisers face and the importance of responding to their needs quickly and accurately. Prior to joining the Select Platform, Nick worked for six years at Parmenion, where as Head of Client Services he focused on creating an engaging client experience. Before Parmenion, Nick also worked for Ascentric, Experian and the AA.